Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cell City

I wish I could say that the idea of cell city was my own, but this is definitely not true. I have no idea who come up with the idea first, but Google helped me put this project together for my students.

I gave my students the options of building a model of a cell city or a drawing. They had to include the important organelles (they were given a list) and everything had to be labeled. This was my first year doing this, and I was very excited!

There were a few things I would change:

1) I placed students into groups of 4. I wish I would have assigned them to certain "jobs".
2) This was an in-class project, so I wish I would have emphasized time-management a little bit more.
3) I also teach math, so my tables are in rows. I wish I would have taken the time to place the tables into groups to prevent group-to-group conversations.
4) I told my students the cell city analogies, and I wish I would have given them the opportunity to come up with the analogies on their own, or at least try to match them.

If you plan to do a cell city, take the time to plan it out, and you will be grateful for your results!

Here are pictures of my students' work!

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